Sunday, 15 February 2009

Jag jumping round WAG Feb 09

Jag's jumping round from WAG Feb 09. Will hopefully have Twix's soon!

Ok I know it was only WAG but he did feel really good.

Friday, 13 February 2009

WAG runs - youtube

Hopefully below is the runs from WAG on youtube. I have a couple more to add but will do them in the next day or two.

Thanks again to Leah for videoing.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

WAG and Socks!!!

Went to WAG show on Sunday. Decided I needed to run my dogs in some sort of "competition", however it is only sort of as the WAG shows are held where I train so my dogs are used to running there. But better than nothing and hey who wants travel far this time of year.......... you do.......... gulp, I must be really un-dedicated lol. Any way, Twix had a pole in the agility but I was happy with her contacts. Jag did a nice clear round but I trained his contacts. Twix's were stop and go contacts. Which is what I have been doing to try and make them a little quicker. Hm I think they are better but still work in progress.

Accumulator, well they are a waste of time really, accept to train contacts, so that's what I did. J

Jumping round, Twix had a pole... grr, think she was 1.5 seconds behind Jag, which for reasons to be later explained probably wasn't bad. Jag was a good boy and won the class.

Helter skelter, well we had a bit of a laugh. My friend Karen has a stunning dog. He is really quick and the sort of dog you would love to get ya hands on, which I do manage every now and then!!! Any way, Karen and Chequer (grade 1!) did a blinding round in the helter skelter and put in a time of 21.226. I knew this would be hard to beat. So my challenge, push Jag as hard as I could and try and beat her time. Well we managed it...... just. Jag did the course in 20.951 so not really a lot ahead. Sadly he had a pole. But if he had been slower than Cheq, I never would have lived it down. Twix didn't do the helter skelter.. see below!! Was really pleased for Karen. Also well done to Leah and Jay for some good results and Leah's friend Vicki for a clear round with her absolutely totally and utterly gorgeous lab (see Leah's blog for video).

Leah kindly sent me the video below of three of my runs. One of my other friends videoed Jag's jumping and hopefully I will have that to add at some point as well. Thank you Leah.

So onto the reason for me being pleased with Twix and her not running the helter skelter.... Twix has a sock fettish.. yes the truth is out. Try as we might and careful as we are, the little b*tch will insist on nicking any sock she finds and she doesn't manage to find many. Any way after her jumping run on Sunday she started to be sick. Luckily my really lovely vet was also at the show and just gave Twix the once over for me. She couldn't find anything wrong. So off I went home. Well Twix was sick all night and yes I do mean all night! So I started thinking hm, think she may have had a sock. Lunchtime on Monday, after having taking an emergancy day holiday (very understanding boss.. helps when they have animals!), she passed part of a sock. Was that it..... well, took Twix to see vet in the afternoon. Vet gave jab, should clear her out. No sick on Monday night, no pooh either. Tuesday, breakfast eating was painful. No sick, no pooh. Evening ate some food. But not much. Poor Twix was really moping around by now. Thought if she down't pooh by Wednesday evening it will be back to the vets. Well this morning... she poohed..... a huge black sock!!!!!! God knows how uncomfortable she must have been. But I have never been so glad to see one of my dogs pooh before!!! Look away now if you are eating.. But I did have to chuckle at the situation this morning, me outside 7.30am, frost morning, slippers, dressing gown pulling a poohy sock from my dogs bum. The things we do! Thankfully tonight Twix is back to normal. And all those little habits that are usually irritating suddenly seem quit comforting!!